Thursday, November 30, 2006

showing off my eye lashes ;)

Friday, November 24, 2006

I am little busy these days

But I check the email every day, so please feel free to write to me, Christmas gifts are welcome as well ;)

Granma & Granpa

Cheers !

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dear Grammy

OH ! I just notice the lovely message from you just now !!! Thank you so much for writing to me on the blog !! It's COOL !!!! I can imagine how silent it could be without joking Jeymama at Kambah. But I will visit you next year then Kambah will be so noisy ! No worries. Looking forward to seeing you in Singapura again !!! Please take care of yourself well and happy holidays !


Saturday, November 18, 2006


My darling Prashant
Am making an effort to contact you since you will start teaching grammy how to use the latest technology. Jey maama and Lavy maami are busy setting up house and nowadays grammy is alone and very lonely. I long to see you and hope I will be able to forward this to you since Jey maama told me how to do it but i cannot remember. Hope very much this will reach you my sweet sweet honey pot.
Love and lots and lots of hugs